Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Let's Get Spiritual!

Hi loves! I know I've been absent from blogging for a few weeks and I just wanted to fill you all in on what's been going on in my life lately! First off I just want to say thank you too all my readers who keep coming back and reading, because without all of you there would be no Simply Pure and Beautiful. As I have taken some time off from blogging I have begun to dig deeper into my spiritual side and I have been doing some soul searching. This is something that is very new to me and actually quite outside of my comfort zone, because I really dislike change in my life. 

So to bring you up to speed, this past Thursday I left my job of 6 years. This was a very huge decision, but in my heart I feel I am making the right move in my life. I have prayed a lot about this decision and I feel that it was my time to leave and switch companies. With that being said I am super anxious and nervous for what is to come at my new place of employment. The job I left was my very first job so it just felt like home and definitely was routine in my daily life. I am super excited though behind all the nerves and anxiety for a little change up in my life. I know I am being guided in the right direction, so this is why I am much more excited about the change. I'm ready to learn more about my work ethic and what skills I can develop as well. 

Throughout my time soul searching and figuring out what is the best for me and my boyfriend, I got in touch with my spiritual side. This has really helped me find peace and clarity throughout all the tough decisions I had to make, and I can say I wish I would have started earlier. I've learned that in these times we need our mind/body/soul to be working in sync. I have this lovely feature on my apple watch that allows me to mediate throughout the day. It's just simple breathing exercises to help bring a sense of calmness throughout the body. I love it and I use it at least 5 times a day. 

Meditation doesn't have to be very long as long as you can quite your mind for a few minutes of the day. Calming your mind is probably one of the hardest things to do, but it is vital for letting your instinct come through. One way I love to mediate is right before bed. Laying flat on your back and just focusing on the calmness of your breathe. Feeling the air move into your lungs and out through your mouth is one of the most relaxing feelings for me. Another way to bring a sense of calmness throughout the body and get in touch with your soul is through yoga. I've mentioned this in other blogs before that I just started up yoga a few months ago. This has really opened my eyes to being in touch with our bodies. 

As I am still learning more about my spiritual side I would love to encourage you all to join me on this journey. It has been nothing but rewarding and I feel as if I'm a new woman through it all. The toxic thoughts and emotions are slowly fading and I am seeing a brighter future for myself because I am not only working on me, but I am asking Him for answers and clarity. 

I hope you all enjoyed todays post. I just wanted to catch you all up to speed on my life lately and I hope to be back in the blogging game really soon. I am not sure yet what hours of the day I will be working with my new job, so I hope I get my blogs up on time for you all to enjoy them :) 

God bless you all! 

Monday, November 7, 2016

Relationship Advice & Weekend Fun!

Hi loves and welcome back to Simply Pure and Beautiful. Today's blog is all about the exciting weekend we had over here and maybe a little bit of relationship advice as well. I love WEEKENDS because I get to relax and enjoy time with my family, which is something that is very important to me. Spending that quality time together is what grows our relationships with one another and we learn how everyone's week went.

 This weekend was no different than any other weekend we usually have around here. My man worked all weekend so I spent the majority of my hours watching chickflicks on netflix while laundry was in the washer and dryer. I also spent some time planning in my happy planner which I have not posted about in awhile, so for that I'm so sorry. If you all do love those kinds of posts please let me know in the comments so I can bring them back for you! 

 Jesus works odd 2nd shift hours so he usually gets home late in the morning and loves to sleep until 1 or 2 in the afternoon. This has been hard to adjust to for the last 4 months, but we are making it. If anyone of my readers is reading this post and has any advice for couples who work opposite shifts, I would love to know your secrets of how to keep emotions in check. As a woman I find it harder to deal with than he does, because my emotions get in my head and make me feel a little lonely at times. I am by no means unhappy I just require a lot of attention. What girl doesn't? Sooo...

On Sunday we got to have date night, which is something we haven't be able to do for a while now as I've pretty much laid out for you above. Haha. We had a double date with some of his friends from work. I forgot to get some pictures but the place was very delicious. I highly would recommend it to anyone, especially if you like Authentic Mexican cuisine. 

This restaurant is location on 38th street in Indianapolis, Indiana. If you're ever in the area go check it out! They serve a lot of seafood. 

This massive bowl is what he ended up ordering and I got the buttery shrimp platter, which came with rice, salad, and bread. It was all really delicious. His food came with an assortment of seafood and I got to try a few new things out of that bowl. One of them being octopus, yes I said it, I have never in a million years imagined I would try it, but it was actually really good!  After we ate we made a trip to the grocery store where his friends got a few things they needed and then we all made a trip back home. I'm pretty sure we made it in bed by 8:30. We are old farts I tell ya! Driving home at 6:30 it was already dark and it felt like it could have been 11pm. I sure am not a fan of it getting dark this early. 

Well that is pretty much my weekend in sum. It gets pretty boring around here at times, but we do try to go out every once in awhile and do something to spice up life. What do you all love to go out and do on your weekends off? 

Let us know down below in the comments. Maybe we can all inspire one another and give each other ideas that we might not of thought on our own. 
Hope you all have a wonderful week! I promise to have more posts to come this week so be on the lookout! 
