I am super excited to share with you my progress I have been making over the last two weeks!
I started Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide 1.0 on January 18th and I was blown away with my own results from the first week.
Okay to post these photos is super embarrassing because I am showing the whole world what my body looks like underneath...one thing I know is I am being super vulnerable and letting you guys see the raw me.
These two photos were just one week apart and I am super excited with the results I am already seeing. I have lost 3 lbs and a couple of inches, but most importantly I am seeing my skin become firmer. The exercises are by no means easy and they will challenge every muscle in your body, but if you are looking to get into shape or looking to get ready for the summer these workouts are on point!
I use AdvoCare Spark to power through the workouts because the plyometric set up consists of cardio and body weight training. The boost of energy and mental focus Spark provides is the perfect aide to my workouts. And I feel amazing even though my body feels like death. If you've seen on instagram most of us Bikini Body Girls hashtag #deathbykayla when we complete a workout. :)
Here was one of my death by Kayla faces. It was leg day & I felt like puking 14 minutes into the workout. This girl knows how to design a kick ass workout let me tell ya!
Flexing with my whittle bicep. I have been weight training since mid-June and I am starting to see muscles pop up here and there, which is super exciting! My arms are one area that is seeing the slowest progress along with my abs of course. I have a ton of body fat I am trying to get rid of, but this is a process that takes time.
Cleaning up my diet is the next thing on my list to really tune into. My workouts have been pretty consistent. I train 5 times a week sometimes 6 with Sunday as my rest day. Rest days are important because your body is actually breaking down the muscle when you are in the gym training, so rest days give your body time to repair and heal those muscle fibers.
I always use Nighttime Recovery from AdvoCare before I go to bed and this helps me get out of bed in the mornings. Without this little product my body would feel like I went to battle. Nighttime Recovery is an amino acid and herbal supplement that supports muscle repair and enhances muscle growth. Definitley one of my favorite go to products. You can find all my workout supplements here