Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year, New You, 2014!

Stop wishing and start doing! 2014 is the year to reach those unfinished goals you had set for yourself in the year of 2013. Well if your like me your ready for a new year and a new YOU! The year of 2014 will be one of my best years yet. Many of us will make resolutions to eat healthier, workout more, and lose weight, but reflect back on your resolutions from last year. Were they the same as what you are making resolutions for this year? If so, think about what went wrong at either the beginning of 2013 or in the middle of the year and why things didn't go as you wanted them to. Most resolutions don't make it past the first month into the new year, so find what is going to work best for you and stick to it!

One thing I am going to try doing differently this year is adding in a new resolution each month so by the time next year rolls around I will have completed 12 resolutions to make myself a better person. Many of us are already planning out our next year, but I am soaking up 2013 because I am really going to miss it! So much happened this year that is going to change the future of my life for me and I am so excited for the years ahead. Changes were made and they stuck, so now I am ready to impact others around me!

This little video is some of my most popular moments of 2013, so I figured I would share with you all.

Enjoy 2013 and say HELLO to 2014 and make it your best!

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