Tuesday, September 24, 2013

To Update or Not to Update...That is the ?

Okay all so since the new iOS 7 came out I have been debating on whether or not to update my iPhone 5. I need some suggestions. I love the look of the iPhone as it is, but change is good right?!

I decided since my iPad 2 was available for the update to go ahead and try it instead. While  I am waiting on it to download, I decided to write up this post. Now well we see how long this takes to load. A few of my friends' iPhones took quite a while to download the new software, so I hoping mine doesn't take hours to do. 
I would love to hear how you all like your new updated phones and what are some of your favorite features about it! Or if you don't like the new update feel free to tell us why you wish you didn't make the switch. 

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