Tuesday, March 5, 2013

It's A Winter Wonderland

Don't you just love the snow?! I love feeling like a kid again and going out and building snowmen and riding on my papa's snowmobile. My best friend and I have had a good few runs with the beast machine. Today here in Indiana we started to get rain then it turned to thick white snow!!! One thing I really dislike about snow though is driving in it. My blue Pontiac can only handle so much and today that baby was fish tailing all over the place. Kinda had my heart racing a few times, but I somehow learned to be a badass driver in the snow. Haha. The weather here is seriously like a hormonal women. You never know what it is going to be like, one day it could be 40 degrees (in winter months) and then the next day it's freaking 16 degrees!! Apparently tomorrow out weather is suppose to be in the 50's so that means slushy roads are going to be my morning challenge. I took some photos of the snow coming down today. Must say they are kinda cool and pretty. 

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